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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

Food Influencers You Should Know About: An Interview with Tala AlRayes from TÊTE-À-TÊTE

In the expansive world of online culinary exploration, certain food influencers manage to leave a lasting impression through their unique approach and commitment to sustainability. One standout is Tala AlRayes, a certified vegan chef and co-founder of the TÊTE-À-TÊTE vegan supper club, who has carved a niche by blending exquisite vegan dishes with a dash of cultural representation.

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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

“It’s like a miracle that I still have confidence” —Kylie Jenner and Why Beauty is a Bad Investment 

The last few weeks, my timeline has been flooded with commentary about a clip of Kylie Jenner from the newest season of The Kardashians reality show. While Kylie laments the cruelty of online scrutiny, we explore the broader societal and cultural issues surrounding beauty standards, blackfishing, and cultural appropriation. This piece critically examines how Kylie, despite her immense wealth and influence, has remained apolitical and disconnected from social justice issues, highlighting the dangers of prioritizing aesthetics over meaningful change.

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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

What Is Most Important in Life? —Science Might Have the Answer.

We delve into a question many of us have asked ourselves—What is most important in life? Discover how the wisdom gleaned from extensive research and contemporary studies can guide individuals toward a more purposeful, happier existence. Explore the intricate tapestry of life's priorities and gain valuable insights into fostering a holistic and thriving life.

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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

The Renaissance Woman: A Modern Approach to Long Held Wisdom

In an era defined by complexity and constant transformation, the Renaissance Woman emerges as a timeless archetype that transcends the boundaries of history. Her unique embodiment of multifaceted wisdom, perpetually inquisitive spirit, and boundless creativity evokes admiration and inspiration across generations.

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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

Jacksonville Vegan Restaurants Don’t Get Better Than This

The United States is experiencing a profound shift in dietary preferences, with veganism taking center stage in the culinary landscape. acksonville, Florida, exemplifies this nationwide wave, mirroring the growth of veganism while fostering its own unique culinary scene, prominently featuring Kravegan as one of its premier vegan establishments.

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CULTURE Teyah Payne CULTURE Teyah Payne

Feminist Poems and the Power of Words

Dive into our insightful article exploring the significance of feminist poems. Uncover the power of these poetic expressions to address critical issues, promote gender equality, and amplify the voices of women across different backgrounds. Join us in this literary journey, delving into poems that inspire change and celebrate the resilience of women.

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